jax1's/Jackson's Hatena Blog

This is mostly going to be about new things with Hatena, along with a way to keep in touch with me after Flipnote Hatena is shut down.


So... Its been a little over a year since Flipnote Hatena was closed. It has also almost been a year since Flipnote was realsed in Japan... Yeah...  Now if you were to scroll down on this page then you would see that last year I was thinking about getting a japaneese 3DS. I didn't get one due to the 50$ import fee. I also thought it would be out by 2014. It wasn't, so Nintendo? What are you doing? If the online services are lagging then just release an offline version. I just want to try all the new features without having to buy another DS. Or you could just make it region free. Bye.
